Removing the leads

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2 min 44 sec
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Removing ECG Dots and Proper Disposal

Options for Dot Removal

Removing the Dots: Two options for removing ECG dots after the procedure.

Option 1: Patient Removal

Procedure: Unclip the chest leads or limb leads and ask the patient to remove the dots themselves. Ensure they pull the dots off gently to avoid discomfort. Offer assistance if needed.

Option 2: Healthcare Provider Removal

Procedure: Healthcare providers can remove the dots for the patient using a proper technique.

Proper Removal Technique

Gentle Dot Removal: Follow these steps for comfortable removal.

  1. Locate a non-sticky lip of the dot to start pulling it off.
  2. Place a finger on the skin near the dot and pull the skin tight.
  3. Gradually pull down the dot while moving the finger along the skin to minimize discomfort.
  4. Repeat the process for each dot until they are all removed.

Patients may have residual gel residue, which can be rubbed in as it is harmless. Ensure all chest and limb leads are removed.

Disposal of ECG Dots

Proper Disposal: Options for disposing of the used ECG dots.

  • Domestic Bins: ECG dots can be disposed of in the patient's normal domestic waste bins.
  • Clinical Waste Bins: Alternatively, place the ECG dots in clinical waste bins available in your vehicle.

Red marks left by the dots should fade and not cause discomfort. If itching occurs, recommend oral antihistamine tablets. Ensure patient comfort during the removal process.