3 lead and 12 lead differences

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1 min 42 sec
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Differences Between 3-Lead and 12-Lead ECG

Understanding the distinctions between a 3-lead and a 12-lead ECG:

3-Lead ECG

A 3-lead ECG focuses on three areas of the heart, despite having four leads.

Limitations of 3-Lead ECG

Diagnostically, a 3-lead ECG may not provide enough information to determine:

  • Pre-existing heart conditions
  • Medication reactions
  • Impact of illness on the heart

12-Lead ECG

A 12-lead ECG provides a broader overview of the heart from different angles.

Diagnostic Benefits of 12-Lead ECG

Performing a 12-lead ECG helps in:

  • Obtaining a comprehensive diagnostic picture
  • Identifying existing problems or concerns
  • Monitoring medication effects
  • Assessing the impact of illness on the heart

Transition to 3-Lead Monitoring

After conducting a 12-lead ECG and addressing any issues, it is acceptable to continue monitoring with only a 3-lead.

Monitoring with 3-Lead ECG

When monitoring with a 3-lead ECG, pay attention to any changes in the leads displayed on the defibrillator.

Transition to 12-Lead ECG

If changes occur in the 3-lead, perform another 12-lead ECG to obtain a more detailed picture.

Real-Time Picture and Diagnosis

If changes are observed, press the 12-lead button to print out a real-time picture of the heart's activity, enabling further analysis, treatment adjustments, or revised diagnoses.