Patient considerations

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Considerations for ECG Procedure

Patient Comfort and Dignity

Addressing patient concerns and maintaining dignity during the ECG procedure.

Lifting Clothing Technique

Tip: Lift the clothing to access the necessary positions for electrode placement and secure them properly. Then, lower the clothing to ensure patient comfort and dignity.

Towel or Blanket Cover

Method: Use a towel or blanket to cover the patient while performing the ECG. This allows for easy access to the ECG dots while maintaining the patient's privacy.

Cultural Sensitivity

Consideration: Respect cultural requests, especially regarding preferences for same-sex healthcare providers. If available, assign a crew member of the requested gender for the ECG procedure.

Chaperone and Assistance

Option: Offer a chaperone if a patient requests one for added comfort. Children may require a parent or guardian, while elderly patients might need assistance from a family member or caregiver.

Adjustments for Different Patient Types

Tailoring the ECG procedure for patients with unique physical characteristics.

Obese or Large Patients

Landmarking Technique: Press firmly to locate intercostal spaces and bones when placing electrodes. The spacing between electrodes may appear wider, but as long as anatomical landmarks are followed, a good ECG tracing can be achieved.

Thin Patients

Gentle Approach: Be cautious not to cause discomfort. Visualise intercostal spaces and place electrodes accordingly, as ribs may be clearly visible.

Patients with Large Breast Tissue

Proper Placement: Ideally, go underneath the breast tissue when positioning electrodes V4, V5, and V6. Use the back of your hand to lift the breast tissue, place the electrodes, and then reposition the tissue. Avoid using a cupped hand. If necessary, place the electrodes over the top of breast tissue but note that it may affect the accuracy of readings.