Gaining the clinical picture

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Comprehensive Patient Assessment: Tests and Measurements

Importance of Combining Tests

Comprehensive Picture: Individually, the tests may not provide a clear understanding of the patient's condition. Combining them yields the best results.

Tests and Measurements

Utilising multiple tests and measurements allows for a more accurate assessment.

1. ECG Recording

12-Lead and 3-Lead: Examining the electrocardiogram (ECG) provides insights into the patient's cardiac activity.

2. SpO2 Reading

Oxygen Levels: Measuring peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) offers information about the patient's oxygen levels.

3. Pulse Rate

Manual and Machine: Assessing the pulse rate manually and comparing it to the machine reading aids in evaluating the patient's heart rate.

4. Blood Pressure

Recording: Monitoring blood pressure helps gauge the patient's cardiovascular health.

5. Blood Sugar Reading

Glucose Level: Taking a blood sugar reading provides insights into the patient's blood glucose levels.

6. Temperature

Body Temperature: Measuring the patient's temperature aids in assessing their overall health.

By combining these tests and measurements, a more comprehensive evaluation of the patient's condition can be achieved.