Paper speed

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ECG Paper Speed and Interpretation

Standard Paper Speed

Understanding the significance of a consistent paper speed for ECG recordings.

Reasons for 25mm/s Paper Speed

  1. Consistency: Ensuring consistent interpretation across different healthcare settings.
  2. Optimal Balance: Striking a balance between detail and recording time.
  3. Easier Interpretation: Facilitating easier analysis of ECG waveforms.

Paper Speed Details

Exploring the specifics of a 25mm/s paper speed for ECG recordings:

  • Each tiny square on the paper represents 0.04 seconds of time.
  • Five small squares together make 0.2 seconds.

Note: Cardiologists and specialists may adjust the paper speed for detailed analysis, but for general practice, a 25mm/s paper speed is recommended.

Confirmation of Paper Speed

Locating the paper speed information on the ECG printout:

At the bottom of the printout, the paper speed is indicated in small writing, typically stating "25mm".