Powering an ECG

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2 min 54 sec
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Powering an ECG: Battery Management and Mains Connection

Checking the ECG Power

To power the ECG, follow these steps:

Turning on the ECG

Locate the on button, typically a green button, and press it to turn on the ECG machine.

Checking Battery Levels

Inspect the battery power by looking at the number of green bars on the top corner of the machine. Each bar represents the battery's level of charge.

Replacing the Battery

If the battery needs to be changed:

  • Locate the grey button on the battery.
  • Press the button to check the battery's charge level, indicated by a lit-up button.
  • If replacement is necessary, push the battery's release clip, remove the old battery, and insert a fully charged spare battery.
  • Ensure the clip is securely fastened and you hear a click indicating proper installation.

Mains Connection

When operating the ECG in a vehicle, it is essential to connect it to the mains for power supply.

Attaching the Mains Plug

Follow these steps to connect the mains plug:

  • Locate the mains plug on the defibrillator.
  • Find the corresponding plug on the ambulance.
  • Align the arrows on both plugs.
  • Insert the plugs together and securely fasten them.

Removing the Mains Plug

To disconnect the mains plug:

  • Twist and pull the plugs to separate them.

Charging the ECG from the Vehicle

Once connected to the vehicle's mains, the ECG will start charging and maintain its battery level.