QT Interval

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Understanding the QT Interval on an ECG


When analyzing an electrocardiogram (ECG), the QT interval is an important parameter to evaluate. It is measured from the start of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave.

QTc Interval

When printing a 12-lead ECG, you will find a QTc interval value displayed at the top. The QTc stands for QT corrected, and it indicates the adjusted QT interval.

Normal QTc Range

A normal QTc interval falls between 0.35 and 0.45 seconds. This range may vary based on factors such as gender and body size.

Significance of QTc Interval

The QTc interval represents the time taken by the ventricles to contract, relax, and prepare for the next cycle. A longer QTc interval indicates a delay in either ventricular contraction or refilling.

Potential Causes of Prolonged QTc Interval

There are several possible causes for a prolonged QTc interval, including:

  • Mechanical delays
  • Electrical delays, such as inefficient impulse transmission or repolarization

Implications of Prolonged QTc Interval

Prolonged QTc intervals can be indicative of cardiac arrhythmias and may increase the risk of cardiac arrest, particularly if the prolonged interval extends into the next P wave.

Close monitoring and appropriate interventions are essential in cases of prolonged QTc intervals to ensure proper cardiac function and prevent potential complications.