Basic troubleshooting

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Troubleshooting ECG Readings: Resolving Dotted Lines on Defibrillator

Preliminary Checks

Ensuring Correct Lead Placement: Verify that all leads, including the 3-lead and 12-lead, are attached to the patient correctly.

Addressing Excess Sweat: If the patient is sweaty, remove any excess sweat to ensure proper adherence of the ECG pads.

Checking Connections

Verifying Defibrillator Connections: Ensure that the leads are securely plugged into the defibrillator.

Interconnections between 3-Lead and 12-Lead: Confirm that the 12-lead wire is properly connected to the 3-lead box.

Examining Wire Integrity: Check for any loose or wobbly connections. Ensure all wires for the 12-lead and 3-lead are intact without any exposed or open wires.

Documentation and Reporting

Documenting Equipment Issues: If any equipment problems are identified, document them appropriately.

Reporting Equipment Issues: Report any equipment issues and remove faulty equipment from use.


When encountering dotted lines or no rhythm on the defibrillator, it is important to perform basic checks, such as verifying lead placement and addressing excess sweat. Ensure secure connections between leads and the defibrillator, and check for any loose or damaged wires. Proper documentation and reporting of equipment issues are essential for resolving problems and maintaining patient safety.