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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for ECG Procedures

When to Use PPE

Understanding the situations where Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is necessary:

No PPE Required

If the patient undergoing the ECG is clean, hygienic, and poses no risk of bodily fluid contact, gloves may not be necessary. However, proper hand hygiene is essential.

Hand Hygiene

Ensure good hand hygiene by following these steps:

  • If in the patient's house, wash hands with soap and water using NHS guidelines.
  • If in the ambulance, use hand gel and apply a sufficient amount to cover all surfaces of the hands.
  • Allow the gel to dry before touching the patient.

Using Gloves

If there is a risk of contamination or bodily fluid contact, wear gloves throughout the entire ECG procedure.

Mask Usage

Considering mask usage:

  • Follow your trust or organisation's guidelines regarding mask usage.
  • If you personally believe that wearing a mask would provide added safety for yourself or the patient, feel free to use one.