Applying the leads

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8 min 22 sec
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ECG Procedure: Applying Leads and Recording

Preparing the Patient

Ensuring patient comfort and readiness for the ECG procedure.

Removing the Top

Requesting the patient to remove their top for easy access.

Attaching the Leads

Explaining the process of attaching the leads for a comprehensive ECG.

  • Three Lead Placement: Applying four dots on the wrists and ankles for heart monitoring.
  • Lead Attachment: Attaching the leads to the dots before applying them to the patient.
  • Checking for Interference: Ensuring no electronic devices are present that may disrupt the signal.
  • Visual Inspection: Examining the patient's chest for piercings, pacemakers, underwire bras, and perspiration.
  • Shaving the Chest: With patient consent, shaving small areas of the chest to optimize lead adhesion.
  • Landmarking the Dots: Identifying specific locations for attaching the chest leads.

Recording the ECG

Comfort and Stillness

Ensuring the patient is comfortable and remains still during the recording.

Machine Setup

  • Age Confirmation: Verifying the patient's age and adjusting the machine settings accordingly.
  • Sex Confirmation: Identifying the patient's assigned sex at birth for accurate recording.

Acquiring the 12-Lead ECG

Initiating the ECG recording process and waiting for data acquisition.

Printing and Finishing

Printing the rhythm strip and completing the ECG procedure.